Sunday, January 31, 2010

the weekend had ended again... went to st ignatius church to sell ang pows!... havent done this is quite a while... used to do this every year last time... haha my childhood... (but im still a child!!! haha >.<) the ang pows sold well^^ haha and i realised that my mental sums is so bad haha... (not that i dint know before... but i dint realise it was so serious>.<) lolx... so embrassing... i gave change of $29 for $50-$31.... lolx... luckily that auntie gave me back $10... ^^

did math during breaks (when they having mass) haha listened to the same readings, homily and bible reading 3-4 times, plus last night in chinese... haha
forgot all abt binomial... had to calll ppl to find out formula haha.... i JUST learned it!!! and i can forget abt it soooooo fast!!!...lolx...

just finished eng compo... abt 'image' lolx wrote some crap... i think she wont be able to mark soon anyways haha... she is slowing down already... haha regret giving us so much to do?^^ my speed of crapping has increased!!! i finished this compo in some 45-50 min!^^ if i dint see the time wrongly!^^ haha quite happy.... but its still crap... kept refraining myself from using words like crap, damn, cant, dont, couldnt.... haha im too used to writing like this.. should stop this habit...

gonna die for ting xie this week... 80 cheng yus and 3 damn passages.... sigh... not even half way through... i dun wanna fail lei... sigh... why am i so lazy? lolx nowadays feel like everyone is chionging except me... im lagging too much... need to buck up.... anyways, gotta get my beauty+ growing tall sleep!!!


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