Sunday, January 3, 2010

its last day of the hols... hahahahahaizzzz lolx... so sad, cant watch hi my sweetheart on mondays le... need to wait till weekends... hmmm... or maybe not?^^ haha
my sis kept talking about how i shouldnt slack anymore and focus...and that i need to cut down on yu le bai fen bai... hmmm i shall think about that^^ but i think i would just watch those that are nice... especially now that SHOW is gonna have a new album, theres gonna be all his episodes!!! haha cant wait!
i dunno wad to feel now... quite confused... im abit excited?(ok la about 5 %?) so weird hor? but i feel like, 80% scared hahax dunno wad to expect... will it be straight studying, tests and cramping? or will it be still quite ok?
im not sure about the stupid timetable... so irritating... cant they put it on the school web???? or they too busy unpacking their staff room? lolx
to think about that, maybe its not that bad la... can use that excuse to pass tmr^^ but i think ms quek would go straight into maths and CHIONG!!!! 
i think im getting lamer by the minute haha... watched too many lame variety shows... 
i guess i should be quite happy la... im get to wear my new school shoes!!!
nth else new though... hmm other than my DIYed math nb and timetable haha
as usual... but this time no SHOW LUO... T.T cause i printed the stuff BEFORE the news of his new album came out... guess i will have to wait till his album and all comes out first then print all over again... >.<
Training on the first day... gonna try to keep my eyes open for hou kong!!! ok, not try, but i must!!! hope that will help in continuing my other movements!
just went out to stock up some emergency rubber bands and battery... haha
just realised my black/dark blue rubber bands disappeared, but i dint get to buy my calculater batteries  cause i forgot to bring out one to compare...(dangggsss) >,< but nvm, i'll get them in school then^^
took quite long downloading rainie's new album, rain love^^ had to download one by pne from youtube... took so long... haha but worth the time i guess!^^ listening the songss now^^ very nice!^^ maybe i should buy the album!^^ (but i think i'll wait till it gai ban^^)
kayys, should stop blabbering about 有的没的>.<

海派甜心!海派甜心!海派甜心! 猪兔 在此退堂!

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