Thursday, January 14, 2010

hellos^^ its ONE more day only to show's new album!!!! haha so happy^^
today is joanna's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! so sad cant post everyday cause come home so late, then have lots of hw... (cant even watch bfb >.<)
but anyways, i go home abit earlier on thursdays, so i can post!!!^^

this week, i got my chinese o level results... got an A2... (not so gd eh?) haha but nvm la... just work harder for o's lor^^
i found out the name of the big big big big bear i saw with hongki!^^ its called a TROMM bear... so sad... can onli buy from korea, and its very exp... sads... T.T i want one so badly... then i found out that Taeyeon from snsd has one... haha in the pic is her with shinee and the bear... so jealous... she so lucky... hahax... no la... im not anti her^^ i like her quite alot also... she sings so well^^ and so pretty^^
OH ya... i must congratulate my senior, Denise for getting 10A1s for her o level!!!! shes soooooo cool!!!! haha GRATS DEE!!!

hmm... wad else? i had just had 2 tests, and gonna have one more tmr... better go soon... if nt will die...>,< so, thats all!!


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