Sunday, January 17, 2010

hellos! i just finished jo's present!!! haha sorry jo, my toys wore it 1st^^ >.<
hahax.. if you wanna see the full image of it, it would be on my other blog, and be linked from this blog^^ (my drawing block)

haiz>.< i just wasted another weekend... hahax... watched all the bfb, hei se bang bang tang and drama i missed^^ plus i watched a wholeload of this varity korean shoe called infinty challenge^^ very very very funny!^^ haha laughed my head off... >.<

i need to write a compo... titled power... dunno wad to write ... sigh... how how how...
lolx now everyweek we gotta write an essay and a eng paper 2...

anyways, was quite sad on sat... haha i think im too sensitive, but i still dint feel too good... haha smth happened in church la... i just heard somthing nt very nice... but maybe im just overreacting, or i heard wrongly >.< but it made me feel like i was unwanted... perhaps that was how my dad felt... but dunno la... feel quite complicated... plus after that, went hougang mall with my mum, then my mum tried to buy me some clothes and insides, but kept comparing me with my sis, made me feel like i was realli very fat... sigh... i should really go on a diet eh?... dun wanna get hurt again and again anymore cause of this... especially now that chinese new year is coming... so scary... i need to slim down... if nt will get compared with my sis... me fat, she skinny... (wahhh my heart feels pain now... >.<)

okok.. i need to calm down^^.......................................................................................
anyways, shows new albu, is out!!! oh.. and momo love 's last ep too^^
the ending wasnt too bad la... just that it was quite predictable and all... too many negative comments abt this drama... but i think that ppl should just shut their crap up... speak onli if you can do better then them, and if you realli hate it so much, just dont watch it!... the actors put in effort to act and all, so, unless you are really good, you have no right to put them down...
lolx im getting agitated again... haiz....

lolx im getting all negative again.. haha... complaining seems to be my forte now eh? okay, gotta post on the other blog!^^

~aza aza hwaiting!!~

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