Friday, January 8, 2010

helloes... dint blog for the past week... sigh.. cause school started...
haha let me report some nice and, not so nice stuff that happened this week>.<
lets start with the not so nice stuff... (so that i can have a happy ending!)
lolx i have been complaining the entire week, if you are ppl beside me... haha
but im gonna repeat this again, hopefully the last time^^

1. the gym notice board me and Jo did in the holiday DISAPPEARED when we went back to sch... had to redo it... i dint want to do it at first cause... takes so much time and so tiresome... but since shana liked the design, haha i did it... (hmm... i still dont know why...) i was so sad about the board this week i think i repeated the story and whined like there was gonna be no tomorrow for like, uncountable times... haha ... so, to the ppl around me... sorries! >.<

2. some primary sch gal wore my shoe by mistake after training on tuesday...
i was sooooooo worried for 2 days... (it was my pair of new sch shoes which i had only wore for 2 days!!!) and guess what? that pri gal dint even notice she was wearing someone else's shoe... her shoe is diff brand, size, and doesnt even look alike!!! but luckily i did a double check and found my shoe in the end... haha likewise for this incident i whined and i dont know what else.. haha>.<

3. have 3 tests next week... and 2 lit presentations... and getting back my chinese o levels back... and tons of hw to do during weekends... and have to go to sch tmr... (damn cca fair)... haha... i complain too much is it? lolx... hmmm.. i have been taking up complaining as a pastime i think... >.<

FINALLY, the nice things:

1. Joey bought me a learning korean book for christmas!!! haha my best present i think^^

2. Denise and cheng yi came to sch today!... they celebrated Joanna's birthday which is next week... ^^,

3. Haha this is quite lame, but i succeeded writing SHINEE and XIAO ZHU on my bread with mayonise!!!(as shown in the pic)

4. i received my first ever order for hand painted shirt!!! though its from a friend, but i appreciated it very much!!!

5. Show luo's album is coming out in SEVEN days!!!

haha thats about it^^

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