Wednesday, February 3, 2010

helloes!!! haha supposed to blog everyday... but no time... haha... anyways, had the sec1 welcome party today... quite boring cause onli played 2 games, (fun... but still...) the coaches dint let us go on time... so had very little time, and plus this year they dun let us eat... (wad kind of PARTY is this???) lolx poor sec1s.... poor luck, all i can say >.<
up there is the pic of the ending of !!!!! havent watched yet... but im happy to know that will have good ending!!!^^ gonna watch tmr, after school^^ cause its THURSDAY!!! and plus theres no test on friday!!! haha so happy!... but... i think i would have to stay back to do the board... (haha its dying)...

TMR have physics SPA trial!!!! so scared... (i almost failed the last one) hope i would be see the qn as its supposed to!!! (i misread L square as L2.... >.<)
so scary ah, my carelessness>.<

Today's training was.. quite sad... i onli 接ed 2 bei tangs... plus both so sucky... so sad... i need to do more... (open my eyes wide and just fall forward!!!!)

haha today during chem ms lee spent one entire period sharing jokes... haha... was nice, helped me to survive rest of sch^^
heres a joke Vera said:
one day, a man and woman walked into the lift. suddenly, the woman said, t-g-i-f(thank-god-its-friday), and the man said s-h-i-t . the woman was insulted and said 'excuse me?' the man then said: 'i mean, Sorry-Honey-Its-Thursday' 

downloaded the album of FT island's wakeup/alarms/ringtones!! haha so funny, though i dont really understand, but the translation is so funny haha
so happy, can hear their voice everytime someone calls^^ (everybody!!! call me!!!) haha

need to sleep le... (10pm le^^) 
~hwaiting for physics!~

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