Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hellos... about 9 hours left of 2009... hahax, or is it, 9 hours to 2010? lolx... this is lamer than is the cup half full or half drunk.... >.< talking rubbish nowxxxx... Dunno to be happy or sad this year is ending...
The happy ending im lookinng for?
hmmm... maybe just sleep through the year... hahax (not possible cause of O'levelssssssssssssssssss) damn it~ >.<
but anyways, some happy stuff this year is that, i got to know ft island, watched you're beautiful, survived sec3, gym training, had my confimation, nothing too bad happened? hmmm at least i cant rmb... hahax
Things to look forward to next year?
hmmm... not much... just to work my head off, finish off o'levels, and...?
dunno le.
Some goals for next year:
Jie that freaking bei tang (JUST DO IT!) haha im so mad at it i ACTUALLY went online to find out how to overcome the fear!!!! omg!!!! i actually did that!!! think i need some mental treatment instead... but, after searching for like forever, the only answer i got was to... just. do. it.
sounds great right?
problem is that i tried to try that already
so, i read on and found out, there was no other way...
so, i went on youtube and found clips of people doing that move, over and over again, over and over again... over and over again... over and over again
over and over again... over and over again... (ok maybe that was a bit over)
hahax and guess what?
it dint work... i still get butterflies in my stomach just by THINKING of it...
then, i thought of a solution! i think i should OPEN MY EYES when doing hou kong^^
wont know if that would work, untill i get to it on FIRST day of school...
NO, you dint see wrongly... there is training on the FIRST day of school... T.T
but maybe it would be better to get over it on the first week of 2010?

during these few last days of 2009, i went out with the seniors, finished watching cruel temptation, watched alvin and the chipmunks 2, lost a pen knife, painted my nails for the first time, painted a late christmas present, and still wreaking my brains on one more, bought my 1st korean phrasebook, thought too much about gym and my life, read a book, a few newspapers, a magazine, bought 2 more, trying to rush my homework out, and lastly, trying to figure out and sort out my brain for next year (or tomorrow?)

Lastly, is a song that i like alot^^

海派甜心插曲 - 愛不單行(羅志祥)

找不到人說 心裡的寂寞
找不到人懂 怕黑的折磨
找不到命中注定 在一起的那个人
很多人都像我 一個人過生活

愛 只有簡單筆畫
卻比想像複雜 恨安定愛變化
我愛過幾個人 也被愛過幾遍
愛 是不可数的嗎
為何我還相信 它不是獨行俠
我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 別害怕

用不完身邊 氾濫的自由
開始怕孤單 是一種詛咒
羨慕我能飛的人 為何在天黑以後
還是寧願回到 愛情那個枷鎖

愛 只有簡單筆劃
卻比想像複雜 恨安定愛變化
我愛過幾個人 也被愛過幾遍
卻還是沒能 將幸福留下

愛 是不可数的嗎
為何我還相信 它不是獨行俠
我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 別害怕

我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 別害怕

我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 相信它

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