Sunday, January 31, 2010

the weekend had ended again... went to st ignatius church to sell ang pows!... havent done this is quite a while... used to do this every year last time... haha my childhood... (but im still a child!!! haha >.<) the ang pows sold well^^ haha and i realised that my mental sums is so bad haha... (not that i dint know before... but i dint realise it was so serious>.<) lolx... so embrassing... i gave change of $29 for $50-$31.... lolx... luckily that auntie gave me back $10... ^^

did math during breaks (when they having mass) haha listened to the same readings, homily and bible reading 3-4 times, plus last night in chinese... haha
forgot all abt binomial... had to calll ppl to find out formula haha.... i JUST learned it!!! and i can forget abt it soooooo fast!!!...lolx...

just finished eng compo... abt 'image' lolx wrote some crap... i think she wont be able to mark soon anyways haha... she is slowing down already... haha regret giving us so much to do?^^ my speed of crapping has increased!!! i finished this compo in some 45-50 min!^^ if i dint see the time wrongly!^^ haha quite happy.... but its still crap... kept refraining myself from using words like crap, damn, cant, dont, couldnt.... haha im too used to writing like this.. should stop this habit...

gonna die for ting xie this week... 80 cheng yus and 3 damn passages.... sigh... not even half way through... i dun wanna fail lei... sigh... why am i so lazy? lolx nowadays feel like everyone is chionging except me... im lagging too much... need to buck up.... anyways, gotta get my beauty+ growing tall sleep!!!


Saturday, January 30, 2010

hello... havent blogged for one week... SHINEE and FT ISLAND is in singapore!!!! haha i know ft is, but shinee will be here on 31 Jan!!! lolx.. and im not going for the autograph session... haha... cause limit 1000 ppl onli.... and plus no time la... too much hw... haha... but so lazy... plsu suddenly have running nose... (going @ full speed now) >.<

this week... quite weird? happy cause i kinda improved for trampoline, but my grades dont seem to go anywhere good... failed eng compre...(well, the whole class did.. but still,)  then did quite badly for chem test i think... forgot to calculate limiting reagent for mole... and wad on earth is CaClO3??? lolx sigh... was supposed to have sec one welcoming party on wed, but dint do it cause the coaches dint allow early dismissal... so push to next week...

gonna try blog more... write more... maybe my english will improve?^^ haha dunno la...

ft island gonna have new album!!! its called "beautiful hit asia" ^^ releasing on 9 feb^^ yay!!!^^ love their songs^^

watched 百分百娱乐王, alien and show pk^^ haha show won, but just the last qn then he won... haha... that ep was hilarious^^

CNY coming soon... the class notice board.... dying in my hands? haha my idea... dont think that it came out well, but oh well...

better get to work, and mabe some rest!^^

Saturday, January 23, 2010

hello!!! haha i was so happy yesterday!!! cause i 接ed that freaking 后空背躺
FINALLY!!!! i completed a routine as well^^ so happy!!! lolx i kinda overeacted and cried haha^^ although im not sure whether i would be able to do it again next training, but i kinda found out wad was my problem^^ which is to OPEN my eyes!!^^
now wad im thinking is that. usually, in the cycle of my life, something good would usually come with something bad, and vice versa... AND, the better that good thing is, the worse the thing that follows would be... im not sure if im too sensitive again, but... my parents JUST quarrelled AGAIN... and so, if nth else happens, my mum is FIRED!!! dunno to be happy or not, but i know that she hasnt been happy at all working with my dad, so CHUKAE mum >.<
haha, and TOO BAD for you dad, you lost a 24 hr no holiday worker, and ALSO, lost the ONLY sympathy i had for you before! i refrained from criticising your beloved 中联 last time, only for mummy... but now... 
lolx i sound sadistic eh? i suppose im getting abit mental nowadays, i have such fluctuating moods swings... i convince myself its cause im having my period, but im not so sure now.... and guess wad? on this mag i bought recently, under my horoscope, it says exactly what im feeling now!!!!
so.... i think i better stop this... i should have been prepared for this day... havent i been looking forward to it? for my mum to escape from my dad's clutches... all these up and downs... not sure how long i can keep up with it...
its like... yesterday i cried so much cause of happiness, and now im crying... of fear/anger/???? i felt on the top of the world yesterday, and now i feel like i have just plunged down to the bottom of the deapest of the world... ok la, im over dramatic... now, i gotta go now, face the pile of homeworks...

~pray for me~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

hello^^ its thursday finally!!! haha dint know whether to look forward to today... haha had 2 tests, but could come home early and watch hai pai tian xin and all the bfb i missed!!! haha^^ couldnt concentrate much in sch today cause had cramps... >.< ouch... feel weird... was never so bad last time...

anyways, i finished my collection of drawing 罗生门 on bread!!! haha i did one that wrote 'A1' this morning haha.. dint know wad write, so i wrote tat and hope i get A1 for the tests i had today!^^

was designing trampoline tee just now, it turned out quite cool!!!^^ haha
cried when watching hai pai tian xin... >.< was sooooooo sad and touching!!!
omg next week is last ep... and gonna have lots of sad scenes!!!! T.T hope they have a good ending!!!! omg omg omg pray...

ohohoh... so sad, havent got show's album yet...had to download it in the end... (couldnt wait to hear his songs!!! >.<) and they are great!!! 爱的主场秀 and 爱不单行 are the best for me!!^^ 爱风头 is good too!!!^^
haha the whole album is nice la!!!


Sunday, January 17, 2010

hellos! i just finished jo's present!!! haha sorry jo, my toys wore it 1st^^ >.<
hahax.. if you wanna see the full image of it, it would be on my other blog, and be linked from this blog^^ (my drawing block)

haiz>.< i just wasted another weekend... hahax... watched all the bfb, hei se bang bang tang and drama i missed^^ plus i watched a wholeload of this varity korean shoe called infinty challenge^^ very very very funny!^^ haha laughed my head off... >.<

i need to write a compo... titled power... dunno wad to write ... sigh... how how how...
lolx now everyweek we gotta write an essay and a eng paper 2...

anyways, was quite sad on sat... haha i think im too sensitive, but i still dint feel too good... haha smth happened in church la... i just heard somthing nt very nice... but maybe im just overreacting, or i heard wrongly >.< but it made me feel like i was unwanted... perhaps that was how my dad felt... but dunno la... feel quite complicated... plus after that, went hougang mall with my mum, then my mum tried to buy me some clothes and insides, but kept comparing me with my sis, made me feel like i was realli very fat... sigh... i should really go on a diet eh?... dun wanna get hurt again and again anymore cause of this... especially now that chinese new year is coming... so scary... i need to slim down... if nt will get compared with my sis... me fat, she skinny... (wahhh my heart feels pain now... >.<)

okok.. i need to calm down^^.......................................................................................
anyways, shows new albu, is out!!! oh.. and momo love 's last ep too^^
the ending wasnt too bad la... just that it was quite predictable and all... too many negative comments abt this drama... but i think that ppl should just shut their crap up... speak onli if you can do better then them, and if you realli hate it so much, just dont watch it!... the actors put in effort to act and all, so, unless you are really good, you have no right to put them down...
lolx im getting agitated again... haiz....

lolx im getting all negative again.. haha... complaining seems to be my forte now eh? okay, gotta post on the other blog!^^

~aza aza hwaiting!!~

Thursday, January 14, 2010

hellos^^ its ONE more day only to show's new album!!!! haha so happy^^
today is joanna's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! so sad cant post everyday cause come home so late, then have lots of hw... (cant even watch bfb >.<)
but anyways, i go home abit earlier on thursdays, so i can post!!!^^

this week, i got my chinese o level results... got an A2... (not so gd eh?) haha but nvm la... just work harder for o's lor^^
i found out the name of the big big big big bear i saw with hongki!^^ its called a TROMM bear... so sad... can onli buy from korea, and its very exp... sads... T.T i want one so badly... then i found out that Taeyeon from snsd has one... haha in the pic is her with shinee and the bear... so jealous... she so lucky... hahax... no la... im not anti her^^ i like her quite alot also... she sings so well^^ and so pretty^^
OH ya... i must congratulate my senior, Denise for getting 10A1s for her o level!!!! shes soooooo cool!!!! haha GRATS DEE!!!

hmm... wad else? i had just had 2 tests, and gonna have one more tmr... better go soon... if nt will die...>,< so, thats all!!


Friday, January 8, 2010

helloes... dint blog for the past week... sigh.. cause school started...
haha let me report some nice and, not so nice stuff that happened this week>.<
lets start with the not so nice stuff... (so that i can have a happy ending!)
lolx i have been complaining the entire week, if you are ppl beside me... haha
but im gonna repeat this again, hopefully the last time^^

1. the gym notice board me and Jo did in the holiday DISAPPEARED when we went back to sch... had to redo it... i dint want to do it at first cause... takes so much time and so tiresome... but since shana liked the design, haha i did it... (hmm... i still dont know why...) i was so sad about the board this week i think i repeated the story and whined like there was gonna be no tomorrow for like, uncountable times... haha ... so, to the ppl around me... sorries! >.<

2. some primary sch gal wore my shoe by mistake after training on tuesday...
i was sooooooo worried for 2 days... (it was my pair of new sch shoes which i had only wore for 2 days!!!) and guess what? that pri gal dint even notice she was wearing someone else's shoe... her shoe is diff brand, size, and doesnt even look alike!!! but luckily i did a double check and found my shoe in the end... haha likewise for this incident i whined and i dont know what else.. haha>.<

3. have 3 tests next week... and 2 lit presentations... and getting back my chinese o levels back... and tons of hw to do during weekends... and have to go to sch tmr... (damn cca fair)... haha... i complain too much is it? lolx... hmmm.. i have been taking up complaining as a pastime i think... >.<

FINALLY, the nice things:

1. Joey bought me a learning korean book for christmas!!! haha my best present i think^^

2. Denise and cheng yi came to sch today!... they celebrated Joanna's birthday which is next week... ^^,

3. Haha this is quite lame, but i succeeded writing SHINEE and XIAO ZHU on my bread with mayonise!!!(as shown in the pic)

4. i received my first ever order for hand painted shirt!!! though its from a friend, but i appreciated it very much!!!

5. Show luo's album is coming out in SEVEN days!!!

haha thats about it^^

Sunday, January 3, 2010

its last day of the hols... hahahahahaizzzz lolx... so sad, cant watch hi my sweetheart on mondays le... need to wait till weekends... hmmm... or maybe not?^^ haha
my sis kept talking about how i shouldnt slack anymore and focus...and that i need to cut down on yu le bai fen bai... hmmm i shall think about that^^ but i think i would just watch those that are nice... especially now that SHOW is gonna have a new album, theres gonna be all his episodes!!! haha cant wait!
i dunno wad to feel now... quite confused... im abit excited?(ok la about 5 %?) so weird hor? but i feel like, 80% scared hahax dunno wad to expect... will it be straight studying, tests and cramping? or will it be still quite ok?
im not sure about the stupid timetable... so irritating... cant they put it on the school web???? or they too busy unpacking their staff room? lolx
to think about that, maybe its not that bad la... can use that excuse to pass tmr^^ but i think ms quek would go straight into maths and CHIONG!!!! 
i think im getting lamer by the minute haha... watched too many lame variety shows... 
i guess i should be quite happy la... im get to wear my new school shoes!!!
nth else new though... hmm other than my DIYed math nb and timetable haha
as usual... but this time no SHOW LUO... T.T cause i printed the stuff BEFORE the news of his new album came out... guess i will have to wait till his album and all comes out first then print all over again... >.<
Training on the first day... gonna try to keep my eyes open for hou kong!!! ok, not try, but i must!!! hope that will help in continuing my other movements!
just went out to stock up some emergency rubber bands and battery... haha
just realised my black/dark blue rubber bands disappeared, but i dint get to buy my calculater batteries  cause i forgot to bring out one to compare...(dangggsss) >,< but nvm, i'll get them in school then^^
took quite long downloading rainie's new album, rain love^^ had to download one by pne from youtube... took so long... haha but worth the time i guess!^^ listening the songss now^^ very nice!^^ maybe i should buy the album!^^ (but i think i'll wait till it gai ban^^)
kayys, should stop blabbering about 有的没的>.<

海派甜心!海派甜心!海派甜心! 猪兔 在此退堂!