Wednesday, December 23, 2009

today was... quite happy?^^ except for going to training though >.< was too scared to do 背躺 again... did around 5-6 套s only... and only 2 was acceptable... nth nice... but did the gym notice board again and about to finish i think^^ looks.... nice!(haha i hope so) went home and watched 娱乐百分百LIVE!!! and found out that 小猪's new album 罗生门 is finally coming!!! 预购 starts on christmas day!!! cool sia! plus this time the gift with the album is so cool! version 1 is a 80 page pictorial, and version2 is some cards with a pair of UV sunglasses! (i think it is similar to the one he wore in the poster) haha i wanna buy sia... and er, i made my own 汤圆 today!!! tasted nice!! tmr is christmas eve! gotta go church @ night^^ kaes gtg! need to have my beauty sleep!^^


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