Wednesday, December 16, 2009

have been watching "Temptation of wife"^^ its so cool haha^^ so happy to watch Eun Jae get her revenge!^^ lolx... just hope that she will get a good ending!^^ im doing my homework quite slowly... sigh... have to go for training tmr... dun wanna go lei, supposed to be holiday sia... but teng called us back for training for tues and thurs, i skipped tuesday's one, so i think i better go for thursday's one... just treat as excercise lor...(though a freaky one >.<) anyways, i got a new pair of school shoes!!!^^ to keep myself on track, i did a to-do-list for each day... but its not working... much? well, thats not suprising anyway, it never worked for me... haha^^ need to start making christmas presents... T.T dun want next year to come so soon... scary... when i was trying to do my math homework, i was so suprised that i have forgotten most of what i have JUST learnt before EOYs...(i was also suprised at how much my disease of being careless had worsened, i bring a 6 over, it becomes 9) hahax... maybe my brain is just not made to do math?

anyways, this is a song i like recently!: its called "The cool vs the pretty", by FT Island !!!!!!!!!!!

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