Wednesday, December 23, 2009

wahhh... 1st time post so late^^ anyways, have blogged in quite a few days... (no time mahhhs) busy watching drama, doing bits of HW, preparing for christmas, going out, 有的没的>.< haha i need to recall what happened these few days:

cant rmb much abt the rest... hmmm... watch drama?

went to some inter-religious exhibition cause of my mum, quite interesting la... but was boring when the nuns sang >.< waited for the paper cutting performance and it dint happen T.T
then went the popular fair abit..., then i finally bought my 1st korean phrase book!!!^^

went shopping with my sis^^(lolx almost like amazing race)
went to 3 places in 5 hrs... quite scary...
then went church @ night for carolling (fun^^)

dint do much, but started on doing christmas gifts and er, printed timetable and cover page for math NB for next year!!!^^@ night went dinner with the nuns... hmmm... quite enjoyable? except all the taking picures... (well, it was a farewell dinner....)

went to school in the morning to do the gym notice board... quite tiring...(did untiil 4pm) but actually my fault la... haha... give too much ideas >.< turned out quite nice... i think?... but still have somemore to do... tmr have to go for trng... teng say if tmr go then thurs dun have to... so, tats not too bad eh?
but still quite reluctant... im only going so as to finish the board and feel less guilty>.< i tried tons of skins, but decided to give up in the end^^ (still looks nice?)

ok la... damn tired le...

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