Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hellos... about 9 hours left of 2009... hahax, or is it, 9 hours to 2010? lolx... this is lamer than is the cup half full or half drunk.... >.< talking rubbish nowxxxx... Dunno to be happy or sad this year is ending...
The happy ending im lookinng for?
hmmm... maybe just sleep through the year... hahax (not possible cause of O'levelssssssssssssssssss) damn it~ >.<
but anyways, some happy stuff this year is that, i got to know ft island, watched you're beautiful, survived sec3, gym training, had my confimation, nothing too bad happened? hmmm at least i cant rmb... hahax
Things to look forward to next year?
hmmm... not much... just to work my head off, finish off o'levels, and...?
dunno le.
Some goals for next year:
Jie that freaking bei tang (JUST DO IT!) haha im so mad at it i ACTUALLY went online to find out how to overcome the fear!!!! omg!!!! i actually did that!!! think i need some mental treatment instead... but, after searching for like forever, the only answer i got was to... just. do. it.
sounds great right?
problem is that i tried to try that already
so, i read on and found out, there was no other way...
so, i went on youtube and found clips of people doing that move, over and over again, over and over again... over and over again... over and over again
over and over again... over and over again... (ok maybe that was a bit over)
hahax and guess what?
it dint work... i still get butterflies in my stomach just by THINKING of it...
then, i thought of a solution! i think i should OPEN MY EYES when doing hou kong^^
wont know if that would work, untill i get to it on FIRST day of school...
NO, you dint see wrongly... there is training on the FIRST day of school... T.T
but maybe it would be better to get over it on the first week of 2010?

during these few last days of 2009, i went out with the seniors, finished watching cruel temptation, watched alvin and the chipmunks 2, lost a pen knife, painted my nails for the first time, painted a late christmas present, and still wreaking my brains on one more, bought my 1st korean phrasebook, thought too much about gym and my life, read a book, a few newspapers, a magazine, bought 2 more, trying to rush my homework out, and lastly, trying to figure out and sort out my brain for next year (or tomorrow?)

Lastly, is a song that i like alot^^

海派甜心插曲 - 愛不單行(羅志祥)

找不到人說 心裡的寂寞
找不到人懂 怕黑的折磨
找不到命中注定 在一起的那个人
很多人都像我 一個人過生活

愛 只有簡單筆畫
卻比想像複雜 恨安定愛變化
我愛過幾個人 也被愛過幾遍
愛 是不可数的嗎
為何我還相信 它不是獨行俠
我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 別害怕

用不完身邊 氾濫的自由
開始怕孤單 是一種詛咒
羨慕我能飛的人 為何在天黑以後
還是寧願回到 愛情那個枷鎖

愛 只有簡單筆劃
卻比想像複雜 恨安定愛變化
我愛過幾個人 也被愛過幾遍
卻還是沒能 將幸福留下

愛 是不可数的嗎
為何我還相信 它不是獨行俠
我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 別害怕

我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 別害怕

我在等一個人 在等我的永恒
告訴我 愛不單行 相信它

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry christmas!!!^^ the elmo there is the back view of a shirt i drew for a little girl in my church^^ anyways, christmas came and went so quickly... and school is gonna start soon.... (still havent finished hw...) lolx >.< have been slacking alot these few days... hahax guess i would hafta rush it out on the few days b4 4th jan... just came back from my grandma's house (celebrated christmas there) was quite fun, we finally bought real mahjong!!! hahax used to play with the cards last time... though its smaller than the real one, but was still very fun to play with^^ after dinner we teamed up, and my team (me, my sis, mymum) won 3 out of 5 games!!! quite happy ^^
hmmm... im gonna finish watching 'cruel temptation' soon!!! few more eps to go! have been sleeping too late these few days,so...>.<

~gotta get my beauty sleep~^^,

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

today was... quite happy?^^ except for going to training though >.< was too scared to do 背躺 again... did around 5-6 套s only... and only 2 was acceptable... nth nice... but did the gym notice board again and about to finish i think^^ looks.... nice!(haha i hope so) went home and watched 娱乐百分百LIVE!!! and found out that 小猪's new album 罗生门 is finally coming!!! 预购 starts on christmas day!!! cool sia! plus this time the gift with the album is so cool! version 1 is a 80 page pictorial, and version2 is some cards with a pair of UV sunglasses! (i think it is similar to the one he wore in the poster) haha i wanna buy sia... and er, i made my own 汤圆 today!!! tasted nice!! tmr is christmas eve! gotta go church @ night^^ kaes gtg! need to have my beauty sleep!^^


wahhh... 1st time post so late^^ anyways, have blogged in quite a few days... (no time mahhhs) busy watching drama, doing bits of HW, preparing for christmas, going out, 有的没的>.< haha i need to recall what happened these few days:

cant rmb much abt the rest... hmmm... watch drama?

went to some inter-religious exhibition cause of my mum, quite interesting la... but was boring when the nuns sang >.< waited for the paper cutting performance and it dint happen T.T
then went the popular fair abit..., then i finally bought my 1st korean phrase book!!!^^

went shopping with my sis^^(lolx almost like amazing race)
went to 3 places in 5 hrs... quite scary...
then went church @ night for carolling (fun^^)

dint do much, but started on doing christmas gifts and er, printed timetable and cover page for math NB for next year!!!^^@ night went dinner with the nuns... hmmm... quite enjoyable? except all the taking picures... (well, it was a farewell dinner....)

went to school in the morning to do the gym notice board... quite tiring...(did untiil 4pm) but actually my fault la... haha... give too much ideas >.< turned out quite nice... i think?... but still have somemore to do... tmr have to go for trng... teng say if tmr go then thurs dun have to... so, tats not too bad eh?
but still quite reluctant... im only going so as to finish the board and feel less guilty>.< i tried tons of skins, but decided to give up in the end^^ (still looks nice?)

ok la... damn tired le...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

have been watching "Temptation of wife"^^ its so cool haha^^ so happy to watch Eun Jae get her revenge!^^ lolx... just hope that she will get a good ending!^^ im doing my homework quite slowly... sigh... have to go for training tmr... dun wanna go lei, supposed to be holiday sia... but teng called us back for training for tues and thurs, i skipped tuesday's one, so i think i better go for thursday's one... just treat as excercise lor...(though a freaky one >.<) anyways, i got a new pair of school shoes!!!^^ to keep myself on track, i did a to-do-list for each day... but its not working... much? well, thats not suprising anyway, it never worked for me... haha^^ need to start making christmas presents... T.T dun want next year to come so soon... scary... when i was trying to do my math homework, i was so suprised that i have forgotten most of what i have JUST learnt before EOYs...(i was also suprised at how much my disease of being careless had worsened, i bring a 6 over, it becomes 9) hahax... maybe my brain is just not made to do math?

anyways, this is a song i like recently!: its called "The cool vs the pretty", by FT Island !!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

this is a pic of the korean reality show "the dad i like" or "good daddy"^^ lee hongki is in it!!!^^ haha
though its not new, but its so nice!^^ anyways, FT Island is here in singapore!!! TODAY!!! they are having a concert with other korean stars @ Fort Canning today! sigh... cant go... T.T 

the 2 week break is finally here! i need to make a list of what i need to do, so here it is!:
1. Homework left:
    -A and E Math TYS
    -Pe portfolio
    -Chem open ended
    -Physics ws 1,2,3
    -E Geog graded assignment
    -Chinese homework (a whole pile of worksheets...)
    -Finish To Kill a Mocking Bird
2. Christmas presents:
    -Gillian and Joey's t-shirt
    -Francoise's shoes
3. Dramas/shows/things i wanna do:
    -Cruel temptation (i need to see 恩才get her revenge!)
    -Hi My Sweetheart
    -MoMo love
    -Alvin and the Chipmunks 2
    -Finish watching good daddy (it take soooooo long to load...)
    -And many more others i cant list!
sigh... so much to do... so little time... im wasting too much time... ok so i gtg finish wad i need to do!
-----------------------------------------------------FT island ^^,!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

training was bad today...(hmmm, these few days?) felt so bad not being able to 接 that stupid 背躺... but, oh well, gym is not my life and er, maybe i should not think so much anymore. Yesterday was mummy's birthday, went to sakura to eat. but er, not very nice? only one good thing to look forward to... there's gonna be a 2 week break after tmr's training!!!
hope to finish off my homework soon... i haven't done much... sigh... 
... ... ... ... ... ... (海派甜心 rocks! and i think FT island is coming
                                                                                     to singapore!!!^^)

Monday, December 7, 2009

watched new moon today!!!^^ was quite nice, apart from joey hitting me every time she sees taylor (jacob black) apear and the ending... was quite fustrated at the ending, but hmmm... maybe thats the best way to end it la.. let everyone feel dangling there and look forward to the next one^^ momo love and hi my sweetheart was so nice this week!!!
quite heartbreaking for momo love, but im really looking foward to next week!^^ went out today, qpent quite alot of money (ouch!) but still very happy la.. think i better start doing some homeworkT.T (theres a hill i think) so i better get to it now!
                                                                                     未来的事,让明天来告诉你-- 罗志祥^^

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hmmm.... today was quite a tiring day... I painted a pair of shoes for myself!^^ well, it din't turn out as nice as i wanted it to be, but... oh well, that was cause i had no idea what i really liked... plus i just really wanted to have a new pair of shoes to wear out tmr so... Should be uploading the pic of the shoe soon on my other blog^^ Hmmm... have been thinking about tramp and all, i really hope i can get over it soon...(well, it has been a year already) Ok la... thats about it...

一直在想些有的没的~ pig-rabbit

"The dad i like" ^^ great reality show!!!^^

Lee Hong Ki so cute!!!^^ the bear also^^

Friday, December 4, 2009

pig rabbit!!!