Thursday, February 25, 2010

ahnyong!!! yesterday was the special day off from sch!^^ haha but had to go for training anyways (T.T) it was terrible... teng screamed @ almost everyone>.< anyways, went to city hall and ate yoguru!(gillian's recommendation) it was not bad la... ^^ then went to plaza sing to eat swensons mac and cheese!!!! was sooooooooo nice!!! plus somehow, there was a buy1get1free mac and cheese offer, so it was sooooooooooooooooo worth it!!^^ but the service was terrible, had to call for the bill soooo long... plus they forgot our order and all... anyways, we went to watch AVATAR 3D!!!!
thanks to the stupid swensons ppl, we missed part of the intro, then gillian kept shooting qns @ joey(cause she watched it b4) but anyways, it was soooo cool^^ the blue ppl love their forest so much,... humans should...

today was... okay la.. hmmm in the morning dunno why, felt so sleepy, slept and woke up here and there, (onli fully awake during math n egeog) haha... onli woke up after recess, cause had BOTH chem and physics SPA... chem spa was okay... onli that the best fit line was hard to find... plus its was just practice... i rushed through it, so that i wont be late for physics spa>.<  
PHYSICS SPA was the actual one!!! it was okay... not so hard... but was scary, cause we nvr did this experiment before>.< but ok la^^

watched lots of hello baby!!! kyungsan and yoogeun are soooo cute!^^ lots of tests next week! math, eng, elit, etc etc etc
~jiayous-all the way-kampatei-hwaiting~

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