Sunday, April 18, 2010

Track Comp!

Helloes all!^^ hahax its been a week already... hmmm.. this time, on wed, was track and field finals!!! the whole sec4 cohord went to support!^^ its was so cool to see the races!^^ hahax... its my 1st time watching track n field competition>.< (even though my sis had been competing in this since.... p5?) hahax nvr saw her run in national comp hahax (well, she nvr came to see mine anyways>.<) so sad eh? this is my last ear n she nvr see... hahax but it was terrible so better still that she dint come!^^
on thursday had physics SPA!!!! >.< i actually forgot to write the CONCLUSION!!!!! omg so irritated with myself... sigh... need to fix my brain abit...
on frifay had THREE tests in a row... screwed all of them... chinese was just... ... ss was just... give up... chem was the worst!!! i knew the ans!!! but no time to change my ans.... sigh... felt quite terrible... but oh wells, cant do anything abt it anyways...
hahax, have been watching "Beethoven Virus"! hahax its so nice!!! hahax, got scolded for using more than 4 hrs>.< but its just too addictive^^
>.< i think wgm is not gonna broadcast ANOTHER week.... sigh... have been looking forward to it! but cant be helped i guess?
gonna try to work harder for physics and lit!!! hwaiting!~~~~
~Beethoven Virus jjang!~

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