Sunday, April 11, 2010

Helloes!!! hahax.. havent posted for so long!>.< anyways, its was agym comp on thurs!!! c-div got 4th, and b-div got THIRD!!! hahax we won MGS!!! but the most facsinating thing was that Zining got into IEF for vault with just a handspring!!! hahax so cool!!! well, we went to island creamery after comp, but so many ppl had test, etc the next day so ending up with onli one agymmer>.< lolx... ate nice icecream!!!! ^^ i have been eating sooooooooooo much after comp!!>.< need to lose weight>.< ran 2.6 this morning, was TERRIBLE... ran with my sis... i was panting soooooooo hard towards the end, while she did double of me and hardly breathed hard.... (dunno wads wrong with my lungs>.<) anyways, so im gonna buck up and do jogs every morning!!! just 10-15 mins though... hope to do well for NAPFA and LOSE WEIGHT!!!
Have been playing around quite alot, nt studying much.. now that i have extra time, (no cca!!!^^)... not so good eh? have chem test and ss graded next week!!! Need to start studying!!! JIAYOUS!!!

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