Sunday, April 25, 2010

Love Jo Kwon and Ga in!^^

Helloes!! hahax, it has been a week!!! so fast >.< hmmm  this week passed quite fast... anyways, on friday, it was R Gym final day!!! i dint go, cause had a physics test till 345.. the competition would have been over by the time i reached, so... but anyways, they did well!!! c-div 1st and b-div 2nd i heard!! hahax im not sure though...
Went to swensens after school (and physics test) on friday!!! hahax used the lays coupon and ate free sundae!!!(i ate a banana split!)was great!!! hahax a few of us went, and we ate 4 sundaes, 2 salads for onli $13.80!!! hahax quite fun... went to the library with gillian after that, borrowed nice books^^
anyways, we are going to move back upstairs >.<(finally? hahax i dunno to be happy or sad, cause they are both pros and cons, but its not too bad la!) had physics test on friday, was quite ok i suppose!!! felt good after the test^^
argh... im feeling quite terrible now... got a running nose... had a sore throat after going swensens on friday, and caught a flu today... (my nose is running as im typing now, and i just stuffed a piece of tissue into my nose >.<)
hahax.. anyways, WGM aired this week!!!!!!!!!! yayssssssssss FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
gonna see kwonnie n gain's overseas trip!!!! hahax the subs are not out yet, but should be out quite soon!!!
Almost killed my house looking for a passport photo for grad cert, but to no avail, so gotta go take one outside tmr... (with a nose stuffed with tissues?) hahax hope i get well by tmr!!!!
the coming week should be quite ok, with abt 3 tests, but anyways,

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Track Comp!

Helloes all!^^ hahax its been a week already... hmmm.. this time, on wed, was track and field finals!!! the whole sec4 cohord went to support!^^ its was so cool to see the races!^^ hahax... its my 1st time watching track n field competition>.< (even though my sis had been competing in this since.... p5?) hahax nvr saw her run in national comp hahax (well, she nvr came to see mine anyways>.<) so sad eh? this is my last ear n she nvr see... hahax but it was terrible so better still that she dint come!^^
on thursday had physics SPA!!!! >.< i actually forgot to write the CONCLUSION!!!!! omg so irritated with myself... sigh... need to fix my brain abit...
on frifay had THREE tests in a row... screwed all of them... chinese was just... ... ss was just... give up... chem was the worst!!! i knew the ans!!! but no time to change my ans.... sigh... felt quite terrible... but oh wells, cant do anything abt it anyways...
hahax, have been watching "Beethoven Virus"! hahax its so nice!!! hahax, got scolded for using more than 4 hrs>.< but its just too addictive^^
>.< i think wgm is not gonna broadcast ANOTHER week.... sigh... have been looking forward to it! but cant be helped i guess?
gonna try to work harder for physics and lit!!! hwaiting!~~~~
~Beethoven Virus jjang!~

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Helloes!!! hahax.. havent posted for so long!>.< anyways, its was agym comp on thurs!!! c-div got 4th, and b-div got THIRD!!! hahax we won MGS!!! but the most facsinating thing was that Zining got into IEF for vault with just a handspring!!! hahax so cool!!! well, we went to island creamery after comp, but so many ppl had test, etc the next day so ending up with onli one agymmer>.< lolx... ate nice icecream!!!! ^^ i have been eating sooooooooooo much after comp!!>.< need to lose weight>.< ran 2.6 this morning, was TERRIBLE... ran with my sis... i was panting soooooooo hard towards the end, while she did double of me and hardly breathed hard.... (dunno wads wrong with my lungs>.<) anyways, so im gonna buck up and do jogs every morning!!! just 10-15 mins though... hope to do well for NAPFA and LOSE WEIGHT!!!
Have been playing around quite alot, nt studying much.. now that i have extra time, (no cca!!!^^)... not so good eh? have chem test and ss graded next week!!! Need to start studying!!! JIAYOUS!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Helloes!^^ It was comp on wed,(31/3) !!! Here are the results!!! C-division got silver, B- division clinched CHAMPION!!!!^^ hahax, comp we sooooo scary!!!! Lolx, I screws up my routine, failed it… got a damn 7.7/9… well, that’s the lowest score for the team, so it was not added into the team score^^ hmmm… Jessica competed, and did very well!( despite having very very very few trainings) and got individual 2nd! Stef tied with Jessica, with a score of 8.4/9!!!

Jo got 3rd, with a score of 8.3/9 ^^ YanLing did well too!!! She got 8.25/9^^

Hahax… I feel quite sad… cause I dint do my best and gave way to panic… well, there is nothing I can do about it anymore, so…

Anyways, after comp we went to SEOUL GARDEN for gym dinner^^ it was sooo good!^^ the meat was so delicious, and the variety of food was also good! Hahax, then we tried to fry omelet on the hot plate!!! I started first, but that one was like… totally ruined, but after that stef and jo and others tried and it was quite good!!!

Went home late, and almost died the next day…

April fools’ day, lolx did I feel like an idiot!!! Had Amath test, and could not do the SIMPLEST question!!!! Then after that, there was eng compre (though not graded) which I could hardly understand at all!!! After recess, during chem, then did I realize that there was PHYSICS SPA TRIAL right after chem!!!! I forgot totally about it and went into the lab TOTALLY UNPREPARED!!OMG and the test was hard!!! (well, partly cause I dint prepare) but even the others felt the same way!!! My answers are like… … and I forgot how to calculate moments>.<

Feeling the full after effects of not enough sleep now! Not sure if I should go for b-div outing tmr… haven’t asked parents… sleep first la^^
