Thursday, February 25, 2010

ahnyong!!! yesterday was the special day off from sch!^^ haha but had to go for training anyways (T.T) it was terrible... teng screamed @ almost everyone>.< anyways, went to city hall and ate yoguru!(gillian's recommendation) it was not bad la... ^^ then went to plaza sing to eat swensons mac and cheese!!!! was sooooooooo nice!!! plus somehow, there was a buy1get1free mac and cheese offer, so it was sooooooooooooooooo worth it!!^^ but the service was terrible, had to call for the bill soooo long... plus they forgot our order and all... anyways, we went to watch AVATAR 3D!!!!
thanks to the stupid swensons ppl, we missed part of the intro, then gillian kept shooting qns @ joey(cause she watched it b4) but anyways, it was soooo cool^^ the blue ppl love their forest so much,... humans should...

today was... okay la.. hmmm in the morning dunno why, felt so sleepy, slept and woke up here and there, (onli fully awake during math n egeog) haha... onli woke up after recess, cause had BOTH chem and physics SPA... chem spa was okay... onli that the best fit line was hard to find... plus its was just practice... i rushed through it, so that i wont be late for physics spa>.<  
PHYSICS SPA was the actual one!!! it was okay... not so hard... but was scary, cause we nvr did this experiment before>.< but ok la^^

watched lots of hello baby!!! kyungsan and yoogeun are soooo cute!^^ lots of tests next week! math, eng, elit, etc etc etc
~jiayous-all the way-kampatei-hwaiting~

Saturday, February 20, 2010

helloes... haha havent blogged in some time... haha so happy i survived CNY!!! oh well, its not exactly over yet but... its almost done?^^ haha
this week... well i mean in the span of the 3 school days after cny, i feel the full effects of tests from the previous week? haha failed 2 tests so badly, i dunno wad to do at all... at this rate... am i going to make it into a jc? sigh... my goal is so far away... hahax nth much happy happened in sch...cried like a crybaby... ( haha thats wad i am so...)
Gillian reading eclipse has made the few around her suddenly go crazy over the twilght books again... haha... i couldnt put my breaking dawn (haha chinese version) down... kept reading... sigh dint do much work again... i only did math, eng compre (not yet summary)and er... wash my shoe? have to study for egeog test on tues!!!! omg omg omg so scared... did sooooooooooooo badly for the graded... (i dun get this topic)... sigh...
any happy incidents?
hmmmm... i have been watching alot of korean reality, since bfb is on break for cny... snsd's and are quite nice! shinee is also doing a season of !!!^^ haha cool sia... baby take care of baby?^^but they are doing well^^
oh ya!!! 范范, 范玮琪 has agreed to 黑人's marriage proposal!!! omg omg yay^^ haha they are finally going to get married!^^ the video is online, and its so cool haha^^ although i think that it was not the real video (maybe the one online was just to tell everyone... dun wan ppl see the real one.. protect their privacy) but it was still good!^^ the two of them look so gd tgt!!!^^ congrats to them and hope everything goes well for them!!^^
oh.. and my fave blog, stickgal, is gonna publish a book of her past blog posts and all!^^ im so gonna get it!!! but its not gonna come soon yet so...
haha i realise that nowadays i rely so much on variety and reality shows to keep myself happy, or to cheer myself up after feeling sad... not very gd eh? im like... addicted? i rather stay @ home with the computer than to go out and play... sigh... it feels so much better @ home... i hate crowds.. haha i found out how anti-social i am, and i think i will just die when graduate from sec sch... so hard to start over again to make friends... hope i go to somewhere my friends go to!
alien is coming to sg!!!! so is shinee!!!! ft island should be as well!!! all thats left is show!!! he better come!!!^^
~aza aza hwaiting~

Monday, February 15, 2010

hello!! its cny!!! haha i dun like cny, but this year my baby cousin is one year old! last year couldnt even see her properly cause she was onli one month old... anyways, she just learnt to walk after her 1st birthday!!! so she was wobbling here and there during our cny... lunch?^^ haha that doesnt matter, but omg!!! isnt she sooooooooooooo cute!!!! ^^ she held onto my sis's care bear and was reluctant to give it back!! (haha all i can say is that my sis tricked her into touching the bear, and when she took it finally, she dint want to give it back^^)
after all the travelling around, we went to my grandma's hse, where we played mahjoong!!^^ (i won 2 games!) haha my sis couldnt win, but we were so tired, but we had to play until she won... >.< haha but was fun lah... then we sat an hour long bus trip back home!!! it was still quite bright when we boarded the bus, but when we reached, it was like, pitch dark^^ haha had a great sleep on the bus, then we went home and watched 200 pounds beauty!!(it as on tv @ 1130)^^ then we watched till 2am, then sleep^^
oh ya! i painted my nails with pattern this time!!!^^ haha was quite hard... (and i onli did a very simple heart,...) haha but couldnt do my right hand with my left hand, so ask my mum and sis to do for me,... made a mess, but oh well)
gonna watch more tv!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

helloes!!! was supposed to post on sunday, but went out the whole day, came back late and dint have time...
anyways, went to sell ang pows on sunday, at the church of st mary of the angels, the church is so pretty!!!! haha plus have air con and all!!! BUT... i was selling ang pow OUTSIDE the church, where there is NO aircon, and not much wind to speak of... haha like sauna @ abt 11am-1pm>.<  was ms lim's church... was hoping to not meet her, cause the trackers had competition... haha and guesss wad? she was there!!! haha phew she was in a rush^^ just said hi and left^^ (haha not like i think she would bother abt me but... she's just so scary... eh?)
then went to grandma's hse (mummy's side) ate... reunion dinner? (onli 4 ppl>.<)  but anyways, played mahjoong, haha that day dint win a single game at all!!!! my mum won 5 out of 5 games!!! haha but after dinner we played again and she lost all^^but i still dint win...
haha went home and realised that there was so much hw to do, then i chionged 1 compo, 1 summary, study half of pe test, cleared abit of my file, from 910pm to 11 10pm!!!!! haha so cool eh? haha most fufilling 2 hrs out of my whole weekend^^
jied 2 routines on monday training!!!
had pe test today, haha dunno how la... but relieved its over!!!
haha.. have pe test on tuesday, lit test on wed, math test on thurs, ss graded on fri!!!
watched this reality show called maknae rebellion ep 1!!! haha its abt the youngest members of each idol group rebelling, trying to stand out, unlike being blocked by their hyungs in their idol group^^ quite fun^^
gotta go study for lit!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

hello!!! this is the 20th blog post!!^^  haha today is also yes9.33's 20th birthday!^^ haha found out that i could listen to radio online recently^^ (listening to it now!) haha other country one also can!!!! i need to quickly learn korean, so that i can listen to the korean channels!!!! haha taiwan ones are cool too^^
slacked and watched too many crap since last night haha... onli started to do hw just now, after watching, like 3 episodes of INFINITY CHALLENGE!!! they are so cool^^ haha their game of treasure hunt was so cool! and funny!!! cause there were 6 suitcases, onli one contain the prize ($3000!!!) haha so funny to see them betraying one another>.< haha the leader the best, help junjin, who just joined them^^
got pe, lit and ss test next week!!! >.< hw for the weekend: math, eng compre and compo, chem and etc.... onli did math so far....
going to st mary of the angels to sell ang pows tmr!!! hope that will sell as well as last week!!! so i gotta go and study!!!!
~ hwaiting~

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

helloes!!! haha supposed to blog everyday... but no time... haha... anyways, had the sec1 welcome party today... quite boring cause onli played 2 games, (fun... but still...) the coaches dint let us go on time... so had very little time, and plus this year they dun let us eat... (wad kind of PARTY is this???) lolx poor sec1s.... poor luck, all i can say >.<
up there is the pic of the ending of !!!!! havent watched yet... but im happy to know that will have good ending!!!^^ gonna watch tmr, after school^^ cause its THURSDAY!!! and plus theres no test on friday!!! haha so happy!... but... i think i would have to stay back to do the board... (haha its dying)...

TMR have physics SPA trial!!!! so scared... (i almost failed the last one) hope i would be see the qn as its supposed to!!! (i misread L square as L2.... >.<)
so scary ah, my carelessness>.<

Today's training was.. quite sad... i onli 接ed 2 bei tangs... plus both so sucky... so sad... i need to do more... (open my eyes wide and just fall forward!!!!)

haha today during chem ms lee spent one entire period sharing jokes... haha... was nice, helped me to survive rest of sch^^
heres a joke Vera said:
one day, a man and woman walked into the lift. suddenly, the woman said, t-g-i-f(thank-god-its-friday), and the man said s-h-i-t . the woman was insulted and said 'excuse me?' the man then said: 'i mean, Sorry-Honey-Its-Thursday' 

downloaded the album of FT island's wakeup/alarms/ringtones!! haha so funny, though i dont really understand, but the translation is so funny haha
so happy, can hear their voice everytime someone calls^^ (everybody!!! call me!!!) haha

need to sleep le... (10pm le^^) 
~hwaiting for physics!~