Sunday, March 21, 2010

helloes^^ haha i was looking around for encouraging phrases to make encouragement notes for comp, and this is one of the quotes i found^^ " a diamond is just a piece of coal which did well under pressure" cool eh? i wanna be a diamond too! (comp is in 10 days!!! yes 10!!!! which means much pressure and stress is gonna come in?)
today is the LAST day of the march holidays!!! omg... so fast one week passed... (not to mention that ONE TERM is over already) >.< feel like didnt do much but train and slack... argh... but i feel quite rested? ^^  today is also the last day of 'internet curfewless'? haha im supposed to chiong my homework, but im kinda trying to make use of these few 'last hours' hahax
not like im not gonna be able to go onto internet anymore, just that i would have less time>.< but i know its good for myself la^^
hope to keep 30min ea wk to post on this blog!^^ hmmm... if i wanna post every other day, (tues,thurs,sat) then it will be 10 mins for ea blog post!^^
watched shinee hello baby, ga in and jo kwon's wgm,infinity challenge and much more!^^
gonna chiong hw and other stuff on internet!!!

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