Sunday, March 21, 2010

helloes^^ haha i was looking around for encouraging phrases to make encouragement notes for comp, and this is one of the quotes i found^^ " a diamond is just a piece of coal which did well under pressure" cool eh? i wanna be a diamond too! (comp is in 10 days!!! yes 10!!!! which means much pressure and stress is gonna come in?)
today is the LAST day of the march holidays!!! omg... so fast one week passed... (not to mention that ONE TERM is over already) >.< feel like didnt do much but train and slack... argh... but i feel quite rested? ^^  today is also the last day of 'internet curfewless'? haha im supposed to chiong my homework, but im kinda trying to make use of these few 'last hours' hahax
not like im not gonna be able to go onto internet anymore, just that i would have less time>.< but i know its good for myself la^^
hope to keep 30min ea wk to post on this blog!^^ hmmm... if i wanna post every other day, (tues,thurs,sat) then it will be 10 mins for ea blog post!^^
watched shinee hello baby, ga in and jo kwon's wgm,infinity challenge and much more!^^
gonna chiong hw and other stuff on internet!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

helloes!!! 안 녕 하 세 요 ! (ahn-nyong-ha-se-yo) hahax.. just learnt how to type korean!!! hahax... havent posted in quite a few days... i think i need to do some reflection and sort out my thoughts, so here it is:

1. English teacher
Hmm... there has been some complains about my new eng teacher (nt exactly new though, she taught me for 1 term le..) many of my classmates, including me, have been failing/ doing very badly for eng, while the rest of the level has been coping well... we have been doing our homework well, and our teacher has been trying to mark and work well with us... its just that... it seems that we just dont click? or her teaching method cant work on us... or maybe she is unfamiliar with sngs yet... and seeing our term1 eng results, many of us are worried.. including our parents? (lolx i sound like im writing a letter myself) >.<  so my classmate's mum wrote a letter to our principal to suggest a change of teacher... hmm... im supposed to be happy right? knowing that we might be getting a better and experienced teacher who would hopfully help us to do well... but i dunno why, but i feel quite bad towards our eng teacher... it seems that she found out that something was wrong, towards the end of term1, and is going to try to help us by doing some 1to1, starting next term... but her plans might not work out... plus, i can see that she has been working very hard by marking ALL of our compositions (other classes' teachers dont)
so, my conclusion is, i do want to improve, but i dont want to hurt anyone (is that possible?) hahax myabe im thinking too much into it? (maybe she hates our class and just wants to get out as well?) so... thats abt it

2. Internet curfew
Hahax... show's coming to singapore in may to have his concert!!! its gonna be 3d and all, and im gonna go watch it!!! well, but this time i have to do something in exchange to go for this event... im gonna have and internet curfew >.< hahax 4 hrs of internet a week... still not bad i think... plus i think its good cause i keep trying to stop myself but it does not work, so hope this motivates me!^^ my sis is angry... hmmm... still dun understand... need to think more abt it... hwaiting!

3. CN Blue!
the pic up there is cn blue's album cover, bluetory^^ the main singer is Jung Yong Hwa ( Shin woo from 'you're beautiful'!!!) hahax they debuted in japan, but they recently released their korean mini album^^ the song, 'Im a Loner' is so nice!! haha my fave song now... >.< JYH is also doing WGM with SeoHyun of snsd!^^ they are such a cute couple!^^

4. Homework
hmmm... i have a free day tmr, so i gotta list out the stuff i gotta finish!:
-finish learining 听写
-2 阅读集成
-2 eng compre
-1 compo (write about an event that caused a drastic change in your life)
-Chemistry worksheetsssssssssssssss
quite alot... eh? but im gonna work hard tmr!!!! (i hope? 바 래 )

Monday, March 15, 2010

Helloes!! haha havent posted in sooooooooooooooooooooo long!!!!! hahax terrible eh? so BEWARE... this is gonna be long...
haha hmmmm here are a few things which happenened during these MIA weeks>.<

1. my grandma passed away... sigh.. left with only one grandparent now... hahax but its ok la...  the process was quite.... i dunno how to say... wasnt THAT close to my grandma, but still cried.. hahax no idea why though...hmmmm... my grandma was a buhddist? so had to go through quite an elaborate process and... ritual? she passed away on a tuesday, and the cremation was on the same week on friday, so all those few days slept so late hahax,.. sommeore had so many tests... but skipped 2 tests cause of the cremation (dint go to sch) HMMM... end of topic

2. Alien huang came so SINGAPORE!!!! haha went to his autograph session^^ saw him in real life!!! hahax he looks much better in real life!!! and his head is really quite small!!! he is quite nice too,..? well, at least he smiles and says thank you to every fan when they went onto the stage to get this signature^^

3. Went to the E awards at the marina floating stage again! although this year more 'famous' ppl came, but i still feel that last year's was much better^^ this year the crowd was not very enthu, like as if they went only to look @ SHINEE... feel quite badd for the other artists... plus, SHINEE dint look very happy to be there, or maybe they were simply too tired la... (of course, with all those fans) haha Stef went with me, then met Tiffany and Hao Yi there too^^ luckily Tiffany was there!^^ the performance ended so late, there was no more mrt! but phew tiffany stayed close to me, her parents were able to give me a ride! (thanks!) haha if not i would be stranded on the streets>.<

4. Training has been quite intensive? but i think everyone has improved quite alot!! so happy^^ its the march hols, but i think we will be going back to sch almost everyday >.< but its ok la... last leg of the race!^^ (for gym la) but i think all of us wanna do well cause its our last year!!! esp after almost 10 yrs of gym!!! really wanta do well^^ Hwaiting!

5. got Term 1 ppr back... not good... failed freaking english... sigh...but i got less than 20 miraculously! i though that i was definitely getting more than 20>.< chinese pulled me up? haha or maybe not... need to work harder for next term!!! after week 2 i would be free of training!!!! then can concentrate on studies^^ but for now, i need to do my holiday hw!!! (mountain again >.<) haha just now, i freaked out cause i thought i forgot that 2day was my oral day.. then i thought about it then remembered that it was tmr... PHEW... it is graded...(im scared!)

6. Just painted a pair of shoes for my other grandma! its blue, with cats everywhere^^ will post on 'my drawing block' soon^^

Jiayous to all!!! AZA AZA Hwaiting!!!