Sunday, May 23, 2010

罗志祥~舞法舞天演唱会 超好看!!!

Helloes!!! Watched show luo's concert last night!!!!!!!! it was sooo cool and nice!!! hahax, though i couldnt see the 3d effect cause of where i was seating, but it as still fun!!^^ haha, huang jing lun was the guest, and they kinda did a funny performance>.< show sang so well LIVE!!!^^ lolx me and stef screamed our lungs out and jumped around crazily>.< our seat was quite good, apart from not seeing the 3d effect, and we like... less than 30m away from him!!!!!!!!!!! hahax quite cool to see him perform in real life^^
Hope he comes for a part 2!!!!!!!!!!!
oh ya... we wanted to buy the concert merchandise, but was sold out when we went there... sigh... dint even have a light stick to wave>.< next time he comes im gonna queue up 2 hrs b4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The past week was... okay..... but i kinda screwed up ss test... hmmm... nth much else happened i think... well.. show had his handshake session on thursday, and today he is having the fan sign!!!! sigh... i cant go... nvm la, the concert was enough i suppose! hahaxx stef is there now alreadly with tiffany^^ hahax hope they get a good place!^^

~hope that WGM plays this week!!!~

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Helloes all!! hahax its the end of the week ALREADY... every week seems to pass so fast nowadays... its almost half way through the year!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!! half a year gone .... means... o's coming soon....this week was quite... bad? cause i dint plan my time properly, and had 3 tests... dint finish studying ANY of them... barely scraped through i think... feel quite bad... cause i kinda wasted Saturday... dint do much more either today... 

I NEED TO BUCK UP!!!!! (im going nowhere if i continue @ this rate...) 

Anyways, its just FIVE days to show's concert!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! so fast right? i couldnt believe it either, when i saw the date approaching sooooo soon!!!!!!! hmmm... wasnt really excited, until took mrt home with stef that day, then keep talking abt it, now im quite excited>.< 
SADLY, i cant go for either the handshake session or the sign session on the days b4 and after the concert... (i gotta keep my promise, if not im not gonna get any more trust from my parents anymore... plus, on Friday there is a test, and i have no money to but ANOTHER album...) Oh well, i ALREADY have a signed album AND poster, so i suppose studying is more important... but im still gonna feel jealous when stef comes back and talk abt it... (i can already imagine it...) hahax, but im so looking forward to the concert!!!!

Anyways, this weekend, i watched Ukiss vampire! its quite cool^^ ( i wonder what blood type i am>.<) We got married was a RERUN AGAIN... sigh... i wanna see jokwon and gain and the yonghwa-seohyun couple!!! hope for next week!!!

hmmm... and i did a bit of background info on hankyung from super junior... he is the 1st and only artist from china who trained and debuted in korea...he went through a lot of hardships, till he was recognized... because of some korean law, he could not perform on stage, and thus wore a mask on stage to avoid being caught during his debut days... (for 2 months!!! or more) and this was due to discrimination....after he was finally accepted by the Korea society, he has done REALLY well, and has become the leader of super junior m... however, somewhere btw last year n this year, he filed a lawsuit against his company, SM entertainment... the contract details were exposed to the media and public, which showed many outrageous details. hmmm... now i think he is resting and training himself... after looking at all of these, i saw a bit of the reality of the entertainment showbiz... and i have to say, that i have to salute to every single artist/ celebrity... no matter what, whether they are good or not, im sure they must have put in a lot of effort and determination to do what they are doing... Anyways, i hope to see Hangeng stand on stage again!!! Hwaiting!  also hope that everyone will be able to work hard towards their dream and achieve it!!!(i wanna achieve my dream too!!!) hahax...(anyways, these are my own personal comments and dont mean anything bad to whoever who does not agree with me>.<)

Had NAPFA 5 items on monday, got all A's so far, but was quite sad cause of sit ups... i could do 67 during the trials, and i only did 65 during the actual... so wasted... but it was also because training stopped so i dint train much, so its my own fault of course>.< its 2.4 jog tmr>.< so scared... my stamina is totally... ZERO... dunno wad im gonna do... jogged a bit on sat and today... but dint make much progress... hmm... just gotta be positive and do my best!

~Hwaiting~ x100000000000000000

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Helloes! hahax im feel so bad/ guilty... havent really studied much this weekend(went to grandma's hse almost the whole day on sat) sigh... have 3 tests next week and im not half done with any.... havent even started on chem... how??? gotta chiong later and tmr...
the motivation talk is over, hmmm i tried to put in the techniques i learnt, dunno if it works... lolx i think im a real crybaby... cried for the weirdest things, and TWICE in 3 days!!! omg theres smth wrong with me..
anyways, tmr is NAPFA 2.4 AND 5 items!!!! omg they are so evil... im gonna die... sigh... what im i gonna do???
gotta chiong~wish me luck!
~~hwaiting x1000~~

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Helloes!! hahax, its been quite some time!!! anyways, jo kwon and ga in are soooo cute!^^ i was so happy when wgm FINALLY staarted to broadcast again, and the last ep was a WHOLE SPECIAL episode of them!^^ though it was mainly the replays from when they first met, it was quite cool to see it again, and compare to them now^^ hahax edited cuts were also broadcasted! it was quite funny^^

Had motivational workshop today, and its gonna last for three days... hmmm... it was... OK? the games are mostly games which we have played before..but not too bad la... hmmm... i learnt to eat the "live frog" first everyday! ... something that i think i regret and feel embaressed... shouldnt have said (it was a sharing session) what i said... hmmm... next time someone PLEASE stop me from doing that!!!! im absolutely terrified...

Anyways, it was GILLIAN's birthday today!!! 5th of may^^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
hahax, there were 2 other birthday gals in the class/group we were in, so we kinda had a birthday song relay at the start of the day^^ it was quite funny haha>.< I gave gillian a pair of heels !!! which i painted on! i t was my first time painting (well i ended up using permanent marker,) on heels, so i suppose it was not TOO BAD, but oh well, YES i did kinda screw it up>.< anyways, im gonna upload on my , so go and take a look!^^
